my approach to fitness and health
I make a point on here to never emphasize weight, size, and shape because while I enjoy helping women reach their aesthetic goals, and I would never act as if I'm above it, I care more with helping women feel empowered and capable.

I believe that a body reflects and serves a beautiful life-- and that's going to look different at different stages of our lives. So I prefer to ask the question,
how do you want to feel in your body and why?
What I've come to learn is when we meet these goals, the aesthetic and external stuff becomes more aligned in a healthy way. We focus less on the outcome that can often be lead by dissatisfaction. We place our focus on the process, or the journey, and shift the denser, internal stuff.
when the body moves well, it navigates well
and when the body functions optimally, the muscle tone and shape will be there. When we over focus on shape and tone, we miss out on the importance of movement quality that leads to higher quality of life-- for life. We all need movement that supports our lifestyle, that moves in all planes of motion, and helps us access power, strength, agility, speed, and conditioning. This is what fitness is, and depending on where we are in life or sports we engage in will look different.
taking a purposeful approach
When we take this purposeful approach, we can peel the layers of imbalances away, and build a foundation in the body that's part strength, mobility, and conditioning. There can be reasons why things aren't moving as efficiently, and it can be difficult to take the time in building a solid base of fitness and health. However this doesn't have to be low level, rehab exercises, but dynamic and powerful. When we take the time, something will eventually click inside you. Whether that's feeling your deep core after having a baby, learning a new skill, experiencing joy, or to be able to jump or run after injury. The potential of discovering new connections within the body is limitless. We begin to not only enjoy moving well and more often, but enjoy being in a body we feel empowered in.
What that looks like, is up to you.